My son reminded me in a phone conversation today that I hadn't blogged for awhile. When I checked, I realized that it had been a month. Wow, where does time go when you are having fun? Or in my case, doing nothing? LOL. I've been doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I'm still a Kitty Socializer at Petco every Wednesday from 10-2. It does get me out of the house and provides me with some time away from the hubby.
I get to spend time with this kind of cuteness each week.
Then I get to come home to this cuteness.

If you remember that far back, I mentioned in my last blog that I was looking to adopt a kitty, preferably a Maine Coon or a Maine Coon mix. I had been to the Pet Smart in Santee a couple of times to look at "Kitty Girl". She just had never been very friendly and I was very leery about adopting her. They called me one day and asked if I would take her as a foster. She had developed a sneeze and they wanted to get her away from the other cats and kittens in the Cattery. So, I loaded up on cat equipment and brought her home. Well, she hadn't been in the house 2 days when both Chuck and I decided that this was going to be her forever home. She totally took over our hearts and our home. When asked what I was going to name her, the first name that came to mind was Misty May. The Olympics had just ended and my favorite athlete was Misty May Treanor. So Misty May it is. Her history is kind of spotty. She had apparently been dumped or abandoned at a condo complex and was starving to death. A woman and her daughter took her in and fostered her for a couple of weeks but couldn't keep her so she spent about 6 weeks at the Cattery. She didn't like the other cats and was just plain "ouchy" about being there. Can't say as I blame her. So, she came home with us. As I said, she was sneezing and then her eye started running so we took her to the vet. Found out that she probably has the Herpes virus so she was on antibiotics, eye meds and Lycene for two weeks. That didn't exactly endear her to me but we got through it and now she is my best friend. Chuck keeps saying, "She's home".
Enjoying the view of the garden---and the birds!
Trying to figure out who that other cat is at the end of the hall. There is a mirror down there which she hates. And to this day, she still runs down the hall rather than walk just to get away from that cat.
Getting to know Daddy
Yeah, my mom plays Words with Friends, so what??
Just chillin'
Yeah, I know I'm up on the furniture but--but--but I can see the bird feeder from here.
I am still so enjoying my garden. I sit out there almost every evening with my Kindle and a glass of wine.
I could never get my gardenia to bloom on Sanibel.
$15 at Costco!!!
I'm hoping these will eventually vine up the trellis and give me more privacy.
This Star Jasmine has taken the place of the tomatoes. Yay!
One of the pages I enjoy on Facebook is that of George Takei. What a witty, wonderful soul. When I found out that he was opening a brand new play here in San Diego, I knew I had to go. It is called Allegiance and is a musical based on the Japanese Detention Camps here in the US during WWII. George, Lea Solanga and Telly Leung have the leads. Karen got us tickets for the evening of 9/11. The show itself was still in previews which meant every day the play was probably being rewritten. We didn't care. It was a marvelous show which hopefully is headed to Broadway. If you get a chance to see it--DO!
And as I said, we do spend time with Karen and the family. Swimming, dinners on the patio, campfires and S'Mores and just enjoying the grandkids.
Noah trying to stump Grandpa with math problems and not achieving it. He was amazed.
Ethan and Daddy enjoying the hammock
Luka with Lambie and S'Mores
Mom taking pictures
Caught in the act
Noah and Grandpa enjoying their S'Mores
At YoYo's eating yogurt
At the beginning of the summer Ethan and Luka wouldn't even put their faces in the water. Now look at them.
Grandpa even went in the pool
As did Grandma and Luka
Piggy back on Grandma
But the big event this fall was the start of school. Noah is in 4th grade and the twins are in 1st. Ethan and Luka are in different classrooms this year. Twice the homework for mom!
Ethan is already passing notes.
A brand new box of crayons is always fun
4th grade!!
So there you have it. I guess I got you all caught up. I'm sorry that I took so long and even sorrier that you probably spent an hour reading this post! Anyway, I'll try not to take so long next time.