Enjoy more Wordless Wednesdays at Wordless Wednesday and 5 Minutes for Mom
Also, I know you are all busy checking out everyone's Wordless Wednesday but take the time to bookmark me and drop back to check out my blog. I am a retired Special Ed teacher who now spends most of her time on Sanibel Island, Florida volunteering for a Wildlife hospital rescuing and rehabbing wildlife. I even dumpster dive for injured Raccoons!! I am also the proud grandma of 5 wonderful grandkids and brag about them often!! OK, enough about me. Back to Wordless Wednesday.
I think I was too young for that.
I was in high school then but I don't remember it. :-)
Oh, you didn't!
Gotta love the eighties! Check out those short-shorts on me! And the "Time to Party" sweatshirt looks so nice with the fake Ray-bans!
I remember thinking we should get those of us who were there to hold hands, but we would never have reached the folks a mile down the road.
The shirt cracks me up!
Cool photo, thanks for sharing. Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfMYlife. Hope you can visit me too.
Funny picture! :-)
Thanks for dropping by, have a great WW!
My post: "Soccer stars".
Oh my---that brings back memories!!! I was 7 years old, but I remember it well!! My dad was a volunteer fireman in our small town, so he helped string the red and white rope. There was some left over and several years later a friend and I strung the rope from my house to her's, just to see if it would reach. Boy did we have fun winding it all back up!! LOL
you know... I think I was right there with her. I may have even taken that photo!
I think you might be right Gumby. I thought I took the picture but I'm not sure now that I was even there. Man, my memory is going. Ugh!
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